Vervaco Long Stitch Kits
Vervaco Long Stitch Kits. Printed long stitch tapestry cushion front kits from the Vervaco Long Stitch Kit Collection.
For over 60 years Vervaco have created beautifully designed long stitch tapestry kits to suit all tastes and abilities, with a new long stitch collection of Angled Clamping Stitch kits (diagonal long stitch) now added to this exciting range. Detailed descriptions are provide with each listing.
Printed long kit cushion fronts on 8.5 holes per inch canvas, using thick tapestry yarn, that stitch quickly to create rewarding, quality projects. Kits that include everything required to create beautiful long stitch needlework.

Black and White Long Stitch Kit, Vervaco Cushion Front PN-0148243

Degrade COUNTED Long Stitch Kit, Vervaco Cushion Front pn-0207205